Wednesday, July 29, 2009


So last night me and my friend Aubrey had a sleepover! So fun!!!!!!!!!!! We stayed up till... um... 12:00am....i think. I know Sarah, that is really early for u, but unlike you, I have to wake up early to screams. (Be happy you have no siblings! :] haha!) We talked alot and Aubrey fell asleep accidentaly in the middle of her sentence and I was about to go to sleep when I felt something bump me and it was Aubrey twitching and she woke up and she said wow. haha, it was funny :]. Um that is all i have to say to except that Aubrey tells me that the movie earth is sad and i want to know if she is right so please comment and tell me. byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee..........:]

-madi! :]

Thursday, June 18, 2009


Oh me and madi forgot to mention tht the camping trip got cancelled because of the weather so instaed we got 2 go ice skating which waz so funnny beacuse I landed srtaight on my stomach and there were some really rude girls acting all stuck up but in the end it waz fun but u should have seen madi and one of those girls it waz lol heyy u guys need 2 check out my other blogs I have a new one coming out it is about the current fashion and daliey life of a fashionfreakz is a bout my life in general me and madi hope 2 update the blogs as much as we can but we hope u enjoy and laeve comments if u want me and madi luv 2 hear

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Camping Trip

Hey this friday me and madi are going to a camping trip at mammoth cave and it is for girl scouts and we are so excited, but we dont have any pictures bcuz we havent gone yet so we will show you after we go in a new post...

Tuesday, April 21, 2009


Today is Scent-A-Day. So do anything that makes you Scented, like: wear perfume that matches your mood, put on some gloss that makes you look ah-dorable, or anything else you can think of. Happy Scent-A-Day!

Monday, April 20, 2009

Today is Tuxedo Sam day. So go on Google and find a picture of Tuxedo Sam, and print it out and bring it wherever you go. Tuxedo Sam is a little penguin on Hello Kitty, and is the most ah-dorable little guy ever!!! Happy Tuxedo Sam Dayyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Happy gloss day

today is gloss day, gloss day is when u try to put on as much lip gloss or chapstick as possible

Thursday, April 16, 2009

It's Hacker Day!!!!!

Today is Hacker Day! You know how Sarah got all worried about the hacker today on her blog? Well, its Hacker Day! I pulled a prank on her and I was the one who hacked her blog and it was just to scare her and get her all worked up. worked!!!!! She was SO mad and she even threatened to have the "hacker" arrested and put in she thought it was Alison, our neighbor, who did the "hacking" and called her and blamed it all on her and asked her if she had ever hacked a computer or hacked something on the computer, something that wasn't hers to begin with, and she said, "yes," and Sarah got all worked up about it, and I finally told her over the phone after dinner and she got all mad at me. I think that she is going to be mad at me tomorrow. Hahaha...wish me luck! HAPPY HACKER DAY!!!!!!!